NYC School Vacation Dates 2019/20
Planning ahead? We are here to help you stay up to date with the NYC private and independent school calendar. The following are the recommended NYC school vacation dates for independent schools in the 2019/20 academic year, provided by the Guild of Independent Schools. Please note that these are simply suggested dates and not all schools follow the calendar exactly.
Labor Day: Monday, September 2
Opening Day: Thursday, September 5
Rosh Hashanah: Monday, September 30 and Tuesday, October 1 (school closed)
Yom Kippur: Wednesday, October 9 (school closed)
Columbus Day: Monday, October 14 (school closed)
Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 (school closed)
Winter Vacation:
Friday, December 20: classes end
Monday, January 6: classes resume
Martin L. King, Jr.: Monday, January 20 (school closed)
Feb/Spring Breaks:
Option A: split weeks
Week 1:
Friday, February 14: classes end
Monday, February 24: classes resume
Week 2:
Friday, April 3: classes end
Tuesday, April 14:classes resume
Option B: 2 days in February and 2 weeks in Mar/April
Presidents Days: Monday, February 17 and Tuesday, February 18 (school closed)
Spring Break:
Friday, March 13: classes end
Monday, March 30:classes resume
Passover: Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10
Good Friday: Friday, April 10
Easter: Sunday, April 12
Memorial Day: Monday, May 25 (school closed)
Closing day: Week of June 8
Now that your school calendar is up to date, add our Parents League events to your calendar! Check out our school admissions fairs, panel discussions, parenting workshops and education lectures: Parents League Calendar of Events
Looking for next year’s dates? Here are the NYC School Vacation Dates for 2020/21